AfroChicanx Digital Humantities Project at UCSB

Tuesday, April 2 at 5pm:
"Afro-Chicanx Digital Humanities Project: Memories, Narratives, and Oppositional Consciousness of Black Diasporas" Panel with the Professors Dora Careaga-Coleman, Michelle Téllez, Linda García-Merchant, Emiko Tanaka Saldivar and Micaela Díaz-Sánchez
Reception to follow.
Location: UCSB Multicultural Center Theater

Wednesday, April 3 at 5pm:
Flavors of the African Diaspora Culinary Workshop/Demonstration con Prof. Dora Careaga-Coleman.
Location: UCSB Multicultural Center Lounge
Thursday, April 4:
1pm: Anti-Racism Workshop and Platica with Dr. Emiko Tanaka Saldivar. Please contact John Jairo Valencia for more information (
5pm: AfroChicanx Photography Workshop with Koral Carballo.
Location: UCSB Las Maestras Center, South Hall 1415
Saturday, April 6 at 4pm:
Flavors of the African Diaspora Culinary Workshop/Demonstration con Prof. Dora Careaga-Coleman.
Location: Ortega Park Welcome House (632 E. Ortega St, Santa Barbara 93101)
From Friday, April 5-7 we will conduct oral histories to document experiences of Afro-Chicanx, Afro-Mexicans, Blaxicans in California. There is a QR Code on the flyer with the information to sign up. Please email John Jairo Valencia for more information ( 

Thank you to the generosity of our sponsors: Dr. Aída Hurtado, Luis Leal Endowed Chair, Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, Chicano Studies Institute, Charles R. Hale, Dean of Social Sciences, UCSB Multicultural Center, Las Maestras Center for Xicana[x] Indigenous Thought, Art, and Social Praxis, Feminist Futures, Department of Black Studies, The Global Latinidades Project, and the Mellon Foundation.
March 26, 2024 - 11:33am