20th Century American Literature
U.S. Ethnic Literature
Cultural Studies & Critical Theory
Chicana/o & U.S. Latina/o Studies
Gender & Sexuality Studies
Ph.D. (2001) English literature, University of California, Berkeley
M.A. (1993) English Literature, Eastern Michigan University
B.A. (1987) English/Political Science, Texas A&M International (Laredo)
Ellie D. Hernandez is Full Professor in the department of Chicana/o Studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara where she teaches and writes extensively on Chicanx literature and culture, citizenship, transnational Chicana/o and Latina/o cultural production and Latinx LGBTQ Studies. Her book, Postnationalism in Chicana/o Literature and Culture published by University of Texas Press in (2009) is a study on the subject of nationalism and gender and sexuality studies. In (2014,) she published a co-edited collection of essays titled The UnMaking of Latina/o Citizenship: Culture, Politics, and Aesthetics, Palgrave Press. She is also co- editor of Transmovimientos: Latinx Queer Migrations, Bodies and Spaces, University of Nebraska Press, 2021.
“Epistemologies of Love and Desire: Chicana Lesbians The Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About"
Journal of Lesbian Studies Vol 28 August 2023.
"Chicana Feminist Literary Subjectivity in a Transnational Frame” Response Essay New Transnational Latinx Perspectives on Ana Castillo,
Co-edited by Bernadine Hernandez and Karen Roybal University if Pittsburg Press, June 2021.
“Fea, Firme y Formal: Latinx Female Masculinity” Editors Frederick Aldama and
Arturo Aldama, Decolonizing Masculinities University of Arizona Press, September 2020.
International Latino Book Award. Honorable Mention, 2021
“Decolonial Imaginings: The Work of Emma Perez” Oxford Encyclopedia of Latina/o
Literature, edited Louis Mendoza et al. March 2020.
“Latina/o Gender and Sexuality” Co Authored with Deena J. Gonzalez (Reprint)
Identities and Place: Changing Labels and Intersectional Communities of LGBTQ
and Two Spirited People in the United States. Ed. Megan Springate. NY, New York: Berghahn Books, 2019.
“Cultura Joteria: The In’s and Out of Latina/o Popular Culture.” Routledge Handbook of Latino Pop
Culture. New York, London: Routledge, 2016
“Latina/o Gender and Sexuality” Co Authored with Deena J. Gonzalez. Latino
Heritage Theme Study (OAH) Organization of American Historians. Spring 2016. https://www.nps.gov/articles/lgbtqtheme-latino.htm
“Politics of Sexuality” Co Authored Deena Gonzalez Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinas
and Latinos in Contemporary Politics, Law and Social Movements Vol 2 New York: Oxford Press, 2015.
“Transnational Méxican Cultural Production: El Otro Lado”
Blanco, Cano R, and Rita Urquijo-Ruiz. Global Mexican Cultural Productions. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011
“Queer Feminist Borderlands” El Mundo Zurdo Celebrating 20 Years of Borderlands/La Frontera.
Ed. Norma E. Cantú and Christina L. Gutierrez. Aunt Lute Press, 2010.
“The Future Perfect: Chicana Feminist Critical Analysis”
Chicana/ Latina Studies: Journal of MALCS, Spring 2006.
“Chronotope of Desire: Emma Pérez’s Gulf Dreams”
Chicana Feminisms: A Critical Reader. Eds. Aida Hurtado, Gabriella Arrellano, Norma Klahn and Patricia Zavella. Duke University Press, 2003.
Books in Print:
CHICST 153: Chicana/o Queer Communities
CHICST 154: Gender Sexuality in the Americas
CHICST 168: Chicana/o Autobiography
CHICST 184: Chicana Writers
CHICST 191: Citizenship and Globalization
CHICST 193: Senior Capstone
CHICST 200: Graduate Seminar, Cultural Texts (First Year)
CHICST 591: Graduate Seminar, Theoretical Problems in Chicana/o Studies