Giovanni Batz

Assistant Professor

Office Location

SH 1723


Maya social movements and resistance, extractivist industries, migration, and forced displacement, Guatemala, Central American Studies, U.S.-Mexico border


Ph.D. Social Anthropology, 2017, University of Texas at Austin.
M.A. Latin American Studies, 2010, University of Texas at Austin.
B.A. Political Science and Minor in History, 2008, California State University at Northridge.


Dr. Giovanni Batz has researched and published on Maya history, culture, society, and identity, extractivist industries in Guatemala, and Guatemalan-Maya transnational migration to the US. He was a 2020-2022 President’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Native American Studies at the University of California, Davis, and a 2018-2019 Anne Ray Fellow at the School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Batz was previously a Visiting Assistant Professor at Miami University in Ohio, and New Mexico State University in Las Cruces.
Dr. Batz has served as an expert witness in asylum cases. He has been featured, interviewed or quoted in several media outlets such as Democracy Now!, Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, the Border Report, the Nation, among others. Most recently, he was intereviewed and participated in the documentary Borderland: The Line Within (Skylight 2024).



Batz, Giovanni. In Press. The Fourth Invasion: Decolonizing Histories, Megaprojects, and Ixil Maya Resistance in Guatemala. University of California Press.

Batz, Giovanni. 2022. La Cuarta Invasión: Historias y Resistencia del Pueblo Ixil, y su Lucha contra la Hidroeléctrica Palo Viejo en Cotzal, Quiché, Guatemala. Guatemala: Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales en Guatemala.



Batz, Giovanni. 2024. "The Four Dispossessions: Invasion, Historical Maya Displacements, and Extractivist Violence in Guatemala". LASA Forum, Vol. 55(1): 16-21.

Batz, Giovanni. 2024. "As Guatemalan Democracy Falters, Indigenous Communities Stand Their Ground". NACLA Report on the Americas. 56(3): 234-240.

Heidbrink, Laruen, Giovanni Batz and David W. Barillas Chón. 2024. “Forced Family Separation: U.S. crimes against Indigenous Peoples”. Maya America. Vol. 6(1): Pgs. 1-25.

Batz, Giovanni. 2023. “Covid 19, EE.UU. y Violencia Contra Migrantes de Guatemala”. In Incertidumbres y Horizontes: Ensayos sobre Covid-19. Edited by Ana María Cofiño and Alejandro Flores. Guatemala: Ediciones del Pensativo.

Batz, Giovanni. 2023. “Guatemala’s Democracy in Tatters”. NACLA Report on the Americas. 55(2): 110-113.

Batz, Giovanni. 2022. “State Violence and Democratic Deficiencies 25 Years After Guatemala’s Peace Accords”. Democracy and Autocracy. Vol. 20(2): 30-35.

Batz, Giovanni. 2021. “La Universidad Ixil y la Descolonización del Conocimiento”. Maya America. Vol. 3(2): Pgs. 112-126.

Heidbrink, Laruen, Giovanni Batz and Celeste Sanchez. 2021. “Why would anyone leave?”: Development, Overindebtedness, and Migration in Guatemala”. Maya America. Vol. 3(3): Pgs. 5-25.

Heidbrink, Laruen, Giovanni Batz and Celeste Sanchez. 2021. “¿Por qué alguien se iría?": Desarrollo, Sobreendeudamiento y Migración en Guatemala”. Maya America. Vol. 3(3): Pgs. 26-48.

Batz, Giovanni. 2020. “Ixil Maya Resistance against Megaprojects in Cotzal, Guatemala”. Theory and Event. Vol. 23(4): Pgs. 1016-1036.

Batz, Giovanni. 2018. “The Ixil University and the Decolonization of Knowledge”. In Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education, edited by Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Eve Tuck, and K. Wayne Yang. New York: Routledge.

Batz, Giovanni. 2018. “La Lucha contra Megaproyectos en la Región Ixil y la Violaciones de los Derechos Indígenas”. Pensar Guatemala Desde la Resistencia: El Neoliberalismo Enfrentado, edited by Prensa Comunitaria. Guatemala: F&G Editores. 

Batz, Giovanni. 2014. “Maya Cultural Resistance in Los Angeles: The Recovery of Identity and Culture among Maya Youth”. Latin American Perspectives. Vol. 41(3): Pgs. 194-207.

Batz, Giovanni. 2014. “Military Factionalism and the Consolidation of Power in 1960s Guatemala”. In Beyond the Shadow of the Eagle: New Histories of Latin America’s Cold War. Edited by Virginia Garrard-Burnett, Mark Lawrence, and Julio Moreno. University of New Mexico Press. 


Other Publications

Batz, Giovanni. 2023. “Extractive Industries in Guatemala: Historic Maya Resistance Movements”. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Spring Issue.
Batz, Giovanni. 2023. “Industrias extractivas en Guatemala: Movimientos históricos de resistencia maya”. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Spring Issue.
Batz, Giovanni. 2023. “La democracia guatemalteca hecha jirones”. North American Congress on Latin America.
Batz, Giovanni. 2023. “Thelma Cabrera: ‘We Are Fighting for a Plurinational State and Well-being of the Peoples’”. North American Congress on Latin America.
Batz, Giovanni. 2023. “Thelma Cabrera: ‘Estamos luchando por un Estado plurinacional para el bien vivir de los pueblos’”. North American Congress on Latin America.
Batz, Giovanni. 2022. “Violation of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights at the U.S.-Mexico Border”. Spotlight Report on the Borderlands: How Racism, Militarization, and Surveillance Create a Human Rights Crisis on the U.S.- Mexico Border. Pp. 21-26. Edited by National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.
Batz, Giovanni. 2022. “25 Years After the Peace Accords, Democracy Weak in Guatemala”. North American Congress on Latin America.
Batz, Giovanni. 2022. “A 25 Años de los Acuerdos de Paz, Democracia Débil en Guatemala”. North American Congress on Latin America.
Batz, Giovanni. 2021. “U.S. Policy Toward Central America Continues Legacy of Displacement”. North American Congress on Latin America.
Batz, Giovanni. 2021. “La política de EE. UU. hacia Centroamérica continúa el legado del desplazamiento”. North American Congress on Latin America.
Batz, Giovanni. 2021. “Guatemala’s National Strike Demands Structural Change”. North American Congress on Latin America.
Batz, Giovanni. 2021. “El Paro Nacional de Guatemala Exige un Cambio Estructural”. North American Congress on Latin America.
Batz, Giovanni. 2019. "Alliance for Prosperity?". Hot Spots, Fieldsights,
Batz, Giovanni. 2019. "¿Alianza Para la Prosperidad?". Hot Spots, Fieldsights,
Batz, Giovanni. 2019-2021. Bilingual Column for Plaza Pública (Guatemala) / Columna Bilingüe para Plaza Pública (Guatemala).



Previous Courses Taught

CH ST 109: Indigenous Peoples and the Nation State in the Americas 

CH ST 141: Central Americans in the United States

CH ST 189: Immigration and the U.S.-Mexico Border

CH ST 191GB: Maya History and Resistance

CH ST 191UI: UCSB-Universidad Ixil (Guatemala): Caminos Futuros

LAIS 101: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the History and Societies of Latin America and Iberia